
Monthly Archives: September 2019

I ran across a great post about what is was like for the shows stars to be out in public after it launched. It is written by

For the show’s 15th anniversary, they talk about what it’s like to star on “Lost”

“When ABC’s “Lost” premiered on Sept. 22, 2004, it was a risky investment and the most expensive television pilot ever made. For one, it shot on location in Hawaii complete with extremely realistic plane wreckage and explosions. But it soon turned into a cultural milestone that would forever change the face of television.

“Lost” was a “water cooler” show the likes of which we may never see again, from a time when audiences still gathered with friends and family on their sofas once a week in front of television sets to watch. Afterwards, they rushed to their desktop computers to post fan theories on the internet’s first chat rooms. It was a time before binge-watching, when “Previously on Lost” provided an essential recap of the most recent flashbacks, flashforwards and flash-sideways; mad-dashes through the jungle; encounters with the smoke monster; Dharma Initiative experiments; polar bears; questions like “What lies in the shadow of the statue?”; and travels through time.

All these years later, “Lost” and all of its mysteries inspire such intense nostalgia that its stars still have frequent encounters with die-hard fans. In honor of the show’s 15th anniversary this Sunday, nine of its cast members share their most amusing, startling and touching fan encounters.”

A nice write up in usatoday about #Lost which includes some great photos and commentary by the author. Check it out at the following url.

#Lost #LostReunion Keep the dates May 21 – 24, 2020 open and start saving for travel to Honolulu, because we’re going back to the island!  Registration is now open – click here.  You can also view the full schedule here.

This time we’re returning to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the series finale which aired on May 23, 2010.

LOST 2020 is the next event from The LOST Con –>